Sunday 26 April 2009

Crocheted Clowns

Anyone remember the film 'IT'? These would give Pennywise a run for his money and any child nightmares.

Monday 20 April 2009

Tampon Easter Bunny

What’s fluffy and white and cottony soft? Tampons! And bunnies! That’s why this tampon Easter Bunny was such a natural. If he sticks around for your period, he’ll bring you some unfertilized eggs.

The above has been lifted straight from Tamponcrafts wonderful site as it's better than anything I could have written. For instructions go to:

I am indebted to them as always.

Monday 6 April 2009

Tampon Rocket

The Easter holidays are here! If your children are bored with nothing to do here's an idea that will keep them amused (and probably get you talked about by the neighbours when these land in their gardens). For full instructions go to: but here's a couple of pictures to whet your appetite.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Matthew Kelly's Cardi

Wit Knits Wit Knits

This is from an 80s knitting pattern book with patterns modelled by celebrities including John Inman, Christopher Biggins, and Anne Diamond (looking very thin). The book was called 'Wit Nits' - might be more accurate to substitute the 'W' for 'SH'. Hard to pick the worst design but think it may go to the offering that Matthew Kelly is modelling. It's a wonder he didn't get arrested! Thank you mooosh for this from your Flickr collection.

The best ad I've seen this week

Rob that rainbow hard...

I know this doesn't strictly come into the category of bad taste crafting but couldn't resist puting it in as the funniest vintage ad I've seen this week. Many thanks to Firexbrat on Flickr for this one.

Friday 13 March 2009

Bleach Bottle Angels

Bleach Bottle Angels with Hershey's Kisses

Recycling once more - this time it's how to turn those old bleach bottles into something truly horrific. If in a moment of madness you're tempted to recreate these the instructions are below the pics. Be afraid, be very afraid.

I am indebted to Nurse Marbles on Flickr for this offering.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Budweiser Hat

I don't particularly care for Budweiser or crochet and I don't do hats - nuff said.